[Shameless Self Plug Here]

After the duo 'debut' at 905Meets, I thought it would be cool if both me and my brother could roll out and have a personal photoshoot done by yours truly. I honestly had no idea where I wanted to shoot, so I just suggested going to the Canadian Tire store that was near us.
After venturing down an alley I wasn't initially intending to go down, I actually really liked how plain the setting was around us. With our cars both being black, I wanted to get a black and white feel - without taking out much of the colours (as you can see in our license plates and side markers).

To colour grade this photo, all I essentially had to do was de-saturate the Yellows and Oranges a bit, while increasing the brightness of these areas. I did this once, created a preset and then completely redid it until I perfected the look I was going for.
The result: a preset that I can use on other photo sets as well!

The photo above is probably one of my favourite shots of this entire set. The lines in the photo just seem to draw you right up to the lowered front end of the LS 400. I've learned to utilize lines as much as possible as I think it really helps to draw focus on the subject.