Friday July 7, 2019
In the morning, I usually start to think about how my day will pan out.
I'll go to work for 9, leave at 5, come home have dinner, maybe go to a car meet, and then come back home and call it a night... and that's exactly how I thought my day was going to go - but man was I wrong.
After finishing work, I headed home quickly to grab change and hit the car wash. One thing I learned from having a black car is there is no hiding any imperfections. You could have your car detailed and washed everyday, but as soon as that light rainfall comes down - you're toast. Especially if you end up driving through the rain.
Anyways yes, so I hit up the car wash - start making the hour long drive to Scarborough as it is still during the rush hour period on a Friday. Get there for the Ace of Spades rally, and inside is this pretty small parking lot that was already full by the time I got there. As I found a spot, more and more people started to show up every minute. The plan was for Daily Driven Exotics to come down and meet everyone as they spend a couple days here before heading to the next rally point.
Now if you've watched my YouTube videos, you would know I'm not the biggest fan of taking photos at car shows anymore, so unfortunately I don't have a whole lot to show you - but we'll get to a few special ones soon.
As I'm watching other people take their photos of cars, and walk around admiring all of the exotics - a huge swarm of people start running towards the main driving lane. It's pretty obvious that it was DDE so I tried to find a spot where they would park their cars in hopes that I can maybe get a spot to see them. Nope - couldn't see shit as the swarm of people just followed and crowded the car.

This was taken from my iPhone at the very back of this plaza and right in the middle is Dave and Damon from DDE. Can't see them? Neither could I - not one moment the entire meet. I think Dave and Damon were only able to take one step out of their door before they ended up taking photos for the next hour or so with all of their fans.
As a person who has taken an interest in marketing, I think this is one of the smartest things that DDE can do. I'm sure that by having this rally, they just made a lot more fans who didn't already know about them - which will just continue to grow their already large following of 1.7M subscribers on YouTube.
So anyways, couldn't really see shit here so I decided I was gonna head home, so I started walking towards my car. Some other cars were in cue to leave and naturally were held up so they started a rev battle. I was shocked when I witnessed a Nissan Juke 2-stepping - which instantly received huge applause from the massive crowd it created. Didn't expect that.

This insane looking cloud also told me it was about time to leave - and surprisingly it did not drop any rain whatsoever. So I get into my car, start heading towards home and that's when I get a call from Indujan to stick around as we might have the chance to shoot DDE's cars. I was like what?? This is going to be crazy.
So of course I headed back, chilled for a bit with the crew, but then found out we wouldn't be able to shoot - but instead, have some drinks at the hotel bar. This was pretty insane. It's already fun as hell to chill with the CWL crew, now we were getting the chance to chat exclusively with Damon and Dave. Sweet!
Got to the bar and shook hands with the guys, it felt really chill. As expected, talked about cars, got their insight on the industry and what their opinions are on some topics, and shared a few laughs for about an hour or so. Then Damon suggests we head out to the parking garage and fire up the whips to rev the shit out of them - okay! Mind you it's probably around 1 AM at this point.
Five flights of stairs later (elevator broken) and we're there. Immediately after opening the door you just see an entire fleet of exotics, all with the rally decals to match. Then you see the Damon and Dave's whips - beasts.

If I were to see myself react to what I was seeing, it would probably be similar to the reaction I had when I was a kid waking up on Christmas - just so stoked and can't wait for whats next.
After about 1 minute of both Damon and Dave warming up their cars, they were ready for a quick rev battle.
Knowing that without a doubt we made some big noise, we ran out down the stairwells and tried to act normal. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh after we walked by this one woman who had this smirk on her face like "yeah, I heard it too".
To end things off for the night we grabbed our individual photos with Damon and Dave.
Not only did I have an amazing time with the CWL and DDE team, I also learned something this night.
In life you have so many options of you can be and what things to do, but not enough time for everything, so the problem becomes - what do I want to do, with the time that I have, that will make me happy? Well I know that being in the car industry has made me feel very happy, and I am enjoying every experience I get with it. I wouldn't trade it for anything else and am excited for what's to come.