This photo shoot will definitely go down as a milestone in my career.
This day, I was invited out to help capture some images for one of the largest automotive pages on Instagram - @carswithoutlimits. I have been following this account since I could remember getting Instagram and was always entertained by the amount of interesting cars that get featured on there. So when I was given the opportunity to shoot some photos for them, of course I showed up!
The day started with me playing catch up to the locations that the Cars Without Limits team was already shooting with but eventually I passed them going along some road in Scarborough. A quick U-Turn, and a little bit of speed, and I was right behind Danny's C63s which was following the Marlon's M5.
After finding a nice place to stop, I was able to exchange some handshakes, meet the crew and check out the whips. The first plan was to get some footage of the C63s doing a quick burn out and then go to the next spot.

When you have that much horse power, it doesn't take much for the car to throw its back end out and deliver a nice smoke show. Sure enough, Danny let on the gas and the C63s took off real quick and I managed to get a few panning shots. I kind of wish I had a longer lens, but it's somewhat hard to anticipate what is going to happen when the planning is kind of on the spot.

The wheels on this C63s are mean as hell too and in my opinion looked really well. I like that it wasn't just murdered out in black and actually had a bit of colour in this area.
After the smoke show, it was on to the next spot. It was relatively easy to keep pace with the M5 and the C63s as Eglinton Ave in Scarborough is all under construction so it was pretty much bumper to bumper.
I really liked this spot for how much space it had and how quiet it was. No one around really and the business seemed to be completely boarded up so it must of been out of business. Marlon interviewed Danny and asked him some questions about the C63s before listening to some exhaust sounds and doing yet another burnout. Cant wait to see the video for this. If you haven't already - check out Cars Without Limits on YouTube.

Honestly I didn't get as many shots as I would have liked to because it was a bit difficult to do. There were 2 other photographers and I didn't want to get in people's way or distract any of the guys while they were filming. The photo above is probably my most favourite shot that I got, but even this one required editing out people from the shot! You wouldn't even notice, but a solid hour editing pays off!

No one is really trying to stick around after you create a huge smoke cloud that can be seen from blocks down, so naturally we left the spot pretty quickly after. Next thing we did was hangout down the street and just kick it for a bit till we figured out what next.
Something I noticed about the guys I was with was that they were all very professional and just easy to talk to. I feel like I connected well with them and was told I would be invited to future shoots, which I am very much looking forward to.

The night ended with us heading to the Redemption car meet which was an awesome event. Lots of smoke, exotic whips, low-riders, and good people.